S08-05 04

How the Others sound? Understanding the intersectional relation between gender and disability in the musical context.


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Gabriel Barth Da SilvaUniversidade Federal do Paraná


Introduction: This essay aims to promote an interdisciplinary debate between the fields of disability studies, gender studies and the sociology of music. This debate is necessary in view of multiple contributions that each intersection of these studies,, namely disability and gender, disability and music, and gender and music has impacted the views of how identities are formed, what are the limits of a body, the different contexts in which gender and disability act, and how the art worlds dialogue with their social structures. Objective: The objective of this study is to comprehend how the state of the art of the investigations that were developed aiming understanding the intersectionalities of disability and gender determines, or not, possible openings for new developments around the study of these markers of social difference in the context of musical practice and experience, comprehending the ways in which the sociology of music can be thought together with the disability studies and gender studies. Methodology: With this proposal in mind, keyword searches in Portuguese (música, deficiência, gênero), in Spanish (música, discapacidad, género), and in English (music, disability and gender) were carried out in the Scielo, LILACS, Redalyc and Google Scholar databases to find out which studies worked with the intersection of these fields of knowledge, as well as looking for complementary literature that was perceived as central to understanding this dialogue. Discussion: This work argues for the need to include disability studies and gender studies in the field of the sociology of music, since it is not possible to understand the dynamics that arise in everyday musical practice without considering the axes of differentiation that run through the lives of those who make up a given musical reality. Results: The study showed that women and persons with disabilities are generally perceived as individuals with disadvantages, being perceived without qualities that are culturally associated with men. This is related to the “intellectual” work of music composition being normally linked to the work of male compositors, while women are generally associated with the “emotional” work of the performers, generating a disparity of recognition in the art world. Disability can be associated with a generalized view of an inability to work as a musician in a standardized way, which negates other forms of musical practice and experience. The experience of disability in music is always in the context of anormality, deviating from the norm and finding success only the by being an Other, someone who “overcomes its identity and limits”, and not as someone who experiences life and music in its own way, like anyone else. Disability and gender relate to each other in ways of how power is disputed in the music experience, how roles are determined and how the “normal” is constituted. Conclusions: This essay established the need for constituting a debate between disability, gender and music in the context of the sociology of music. The comprehension of the musical experience can be enhanced by perceiving the intersectionality that constitutes the participants of a musical community.

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      Celia Vara Martín

      Comentó el 19/04/2024 a las 16:29:41

      Estimada Gabriel Barth Da Silva,

      Quería añadir este capítulo en un libro que puede ser de tu interés, que está en castellano y es libre acceso:

      “El cuerpo sensorial en la performance en los años 70: Kinesthesia y Agencia Corporal” in Arte y educación en contextos multidisciplinares (p. 854-869) Freely online (open Access) https://bit.ly/48Wfg88

      Espero que podamos seguir en conexión a través de nuestros intereses de investigación comunes.


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        Gabriel Barth Da Silva

        Comentó el 14/05/2024 a las 02:10:22

        Thank you for the offer. My understanding is that Arte y Comunidad will publish this work as a book chapter. Would that be a problem regarding your offer? As to say, would it need to be an original publication? Again, I thank you for your interest and comments.

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      Celia Vara Martín

      Comentó el 19/04/2024 a las 15:03:55

      Estimado Gabriel Barth Da Silva,

      Tu investigación tiene una base teórica muy amplia y bien construida.

      Aprecio un gran entusiasmo en lo que haces, y eso es inspirador. Me parece interesante que propongas la importancia de formas creativas para generar concocimiento y creo que sería interesante que desarrollaras más adelante en tu investigación lo que destacas como una necesidad: investigación etnográfica y observación participante.

      Por ejemplo. ¿Has pensado en seguir con una investigación en un grupo en concreto?, ¿cual es tu interés en el resto de investigación?, ¿Te interesa realizar un trabajo teórico?, ¿eres músico y quisieras explorar el trabajo musical y creativo en relación con comunidades desfavorecidas?

      He visto este artículo que creo que te interesaría: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1609406920903224
      Me gustaría saber cómo concretarías una línea de trabajo futura a partir de tus conclusiones en esta búsqueda sistemática de la literatura tan bien fundamentada. Al escucharte he pensado en que una aproximación desde research-creation sería una investigación apasionante.

      También al escucharte he recordado el trabajo de Owen Chapman, que quizá pueda interesarte de algún modo: https://explore.concordia.ca/index.php/owen-chapman

      Owen Chapman forma parte del laboratorio Critical Disability Studies: https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/cissc/working-groups/archives/critical-disability-studies.html

      Espero que mis reflexiones sean de interés para ti y y deseo que sigas con entusiasmo tus investigaciones.

      Un saludo cordial,


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        Gabriel Barth Da Silva

        Comentó el 14/05/2024 a las 02:07:34

        Thank you for your interest. This work is part of my thesis, which is currently ongoing. I appreciate all of your recommended works and will read them.

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